School Fee Structure

For a detailed breakdown on the fee structure and payment policies please see the link below.

Tuition Fees


Scholarships, Bursarial Assistance and Recognition of Achievements

Open Scholarships

The purpose of a scholarship award is to attract high value add pupils to the College. Value add is determined in the academic, sporting and cultural arenas.

A scholarship is awarded to pupils entering the College generally in Years 8 or 10, although the scholarship committee may make exceptions in this regard. Scholarships may vary in value but will generally not exceed 1/3 of the tuition fee.

Financial need should have no bearing when making a scholarship award. The intention is that the award will endure for the duration of the child’s time at the College, however it will be subject to annual review depending on the performance of the pupil.

Bursarial Assistance

The purpose of bursarial assistance is to make an education at Trident College affordable to families where the fees are just out of their reach. The value that the child will bring to the College will clearly be taken into account when making an award but the primary motivation is financial. For this reason, the granting of assistance remains absolutely confidential. Typically, assistance is offered to existing families where financial circumstances have changed since admission to the College. The extent of the assistance will generally not exceed a 1/3 remission in tuition fees.

The granting of assistance is subject to periodic review, depending on the financial circumstances of the family.

Recognition for Achievement

The College seeks to motivate pupils by recognizing their achievements in the various aspect of College life.

Pupils will enjoy recognition on an ongoing basis in terms of an Awards Policy. Pupils will be acknowledged in many areas including achievements on the academic front, in sports, in the cultural arena and in service to the community.

Recognition does not carry any financial consideration but is given in the form of certificates, school colours, honours awards etc.

To apply for a Trident College Bursary please click on the link below.

Bursary Application Form