
"Sport enables Trident Students to learn the lessons of working in a team, enjoying success and coping with failure. Whether an individual or team sport, the Trident Community support and encourage all students to participate irrespective of age, ability or experience."

Sport is an intricate part of the school day at Trident. As a compulsory subject taught within the curriculum in the lower school, all students are introduced to theory and practical skills.These are developed through the co curricular programme either individually or as a team dependent on interest, commitment and level of skill.

Our students enjoy their sporting activities and many compete locally, nationally and internationally in both traditional team and emerging individual sports. While the school offers students a variety of sporting choices, from volleyball to golf, they are encouraged to pursue wider interests outside of school such as motocross and polo cross. Cycling is at the heart of Trident, with challenging terrain and exciting technical trails on our doorstep. Traditional team sports such as rugby, netball, football and cricket are embraced within the local community competitively.