Key Stages

Key Stage 3

Ages (11-14)

Trident students during their early secondary years follow an exciting and creative curriculum of breadth and challenge. During this time they are encouraged to develop critical thinking skills that enable each individual to shape as innovative, independent and collaborative learners. Students take the opportunity to consult with their specialist teachers and industry leaders before selecting their IGCSE subject options.

Key Stage 4

IGCSE (Ages 15-16)

Our range of International General Certificate of Secondary Education qualifications challenge students to develop as global learners with enquiring minds. Our students question the world around them, reflecting upon their own experiences and applying knowledge and understanding to their individual learning and development.

Key Stage 5

AS- A-Level (17-18)

The AS and A Level programme foster curiosity and conceptual understanding. This is acquired through research, independent and alternative learning approaches. Trident sixth formers represent and lead the school community as prefects and ambassadors empowering each individual to embrace future opportunities and adversities. Please see the sixth form page for more information.





Trident College aims to not only augment the process of teaching and learning with technology but to embrace the use of technology to transform education by changing and ultimately redefining the way teachers teach and students learn. To this end all venues are equipped with data projectors and the campus is wi-fi enabled. In time, all students will be required to bring their own digital devices to school.

A modern computer laboratory is complimented by research facilities in the library and the use of computer based software in various subject areas. IT is offered as a subject across all grades as we prepare students for a workplace where the jobs they will take on have yet to be invented. Not all the capabilities that computing presents are positive. We strive to challenge and guide students as they navigate the untested ethical boundaries that the misuse of computers presents.
